Destiny 2: Forsaken
Forsaken was the first major expansion for Destiny 2, following after the smaller Curse of Osiris and Warmind DLC content drops. I was on the ground floor for Forsaken’s “Dreaming City” location, which aimed to be a destination primarily aimed at cyclical endgame content that players could grind to achieve the highest level weapons and gear available. I was one of the designers tasked with helping to shape Public (Matchmade) locations as well as private, in addition to wholly owning multiple activities and secrets.
Promotional image featuring the Spine of Keres location
I worked with my Environment Artist to build and design the Spine of Keres and Garden of Esila locations, blocking in all of the encounter spaces in both locations. I was also the Level and Activity Designer for the Awakening and Oracle Engine mission activities on the Spine of Keres. Awakening is the first mission on the destination, and what players first experience upon entering the Dreaming City for the first time.